Black piano keys are called accidentals, and they are just that: the sharps and flats of the piano.
On the keyboard, there are five black accidentals per octave. They can be either sharp or flat, and are named after the notes they modify:
· Sharp (#)
A sharp makes a note a half step higher in pitch.
On the keyboard, a note’s sharp is the black key directly to its right.
A sharp makes a note a half step higher in pitch.
On the keyboard, a note’s sharp is the black key directly to its right.
· Flat (b)
A flat makes a note a half step lower in pitch.
On the keyboard, a note’s flat is the black key directly to its left.
A flat makes a note a half step lower in pitch.
On the keyboard, a note’s flat is the black key directly to its left.
* Both examples point to the same black key. When notes go by more than one name, it’s called “enharmonic”.
Memorize the Notes on the Piano Keyboard:
1. Identify the white keys individually, and practice naming them until you can find each note without counting from C.
2. You don’t need to memorize each sharp and flat by name just yet, but remember how to locate them on the keyboard using the natural keys.
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